As of 21/12/2001 the privacy laws in Australia were amended. Patients may have access to their medical records. If you require access to your medical records please book an appointment with the doctor so that any areas of concern can be explained in full. In some cases it may be appropriate to refer the patient back to the original author of a letter or medical report.
This practice will at all times follow the Privacy Act and how it affects you.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
Collection of medical information:
It is necessary for the Doctors and staff to collect personal information from patients and sometimes others associated with their healthcare in order to attend to their health needs. This information is generally collected from the patient, and with the patients’ consent. However, sometimes we may receive patient information from others. When this occurs we will, wherever possible, make sure the patient knows we have received this information.
Use and disclosure of medical information:
To ensure quality and continuity of patient care, patients’ health information is used or disclosed for purposes directly related to their healthcare. This may include sharing information with other healthcare providers who comprise a patient’s medical team. If you don’t with for this to happen you should discuss this with your Doctor. In addition there are circumstances when information has to be disclosed without patient consent, such as:
* By law, Doctors are sometimes required to disclose information for public interest reasons, e.g. mandatory reporting of some communicable diseases.
* Emergency situations.
* To fulfil a medical indemnity insurance obligation.
* Information to Medicare or private health funds, if relevant, for billing and medical rebate purposes.

Patients will be given the opportunity to amend any personal information held that is incorrect as long as the alteration is straightforward, such as amending an address or phone number. Any other alterations should be recorded by the Doctor and noted. For legal reasons, we do not alter or erase the original entries in a medical record.

Ehealth is a safe and secure electronic health records store to keep your key health information in a secure digital system. Australia’s national system is called My Health Record.
Access is available to you and your healthcare providers at any time, including in an emergency.
Current government protocol states all medical information can be uploaded automatically to the secure site unless the patient has opted out before 31/01/2019.

Privacy Complaints
It is important to us that your expectations about the way in which we handle your information are the same as ours. Please do not hesitate to discuss any concerns, questions or complaints about any issues related to the privacy of your personal information with your Doctor.
If you are dissatisfied you can complain to the Federal Privacy Commissioner whose contact details are:
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2000
Privace Hotline: 1300 363 992

Notifiable data breach:
As a private practice we have an obligation to inform patients and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) of eligible data breaches.
contacted for assistance with the preparation of the notice.

Data security, retention and quality
The storage, use and, where necessary, transfer of personal health information will be undertaken in a secure manner that protects patient privacy. It is necessary for our medical practice to keep patient information after a patient’s last attendance for as long as is required by law.
All patient information held by this practice will be maintained in a form that is accurate, complete and up to date.

From time to time this practice invites patients to complete a questionnaire of their views of the practice and how it could be improved. These surveys are completely confidential and help us improve our services.
This practice is committed to providing a comprehensive general practice to individuals and families in this community. All patient consultations and medical records are strictly confidential. Our practice follows the ethical code of the Australian Medical Association.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive from this practice we are keen to know about your concerns.  Please feel free to talk to Dr Mark Le, Dr Hannah Le, Dr Ramzan Azis and Silvana Carpentieri about any problems you have with the services that we provide. We take your concerns seriously and believe that any problems are best dealt with within the practice. Indeed, we want to know if you are concerned about any aspect of your service. However, if you feel there is a problem that requires outside attention you could contact :
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Web – ph: 1300419495
National medical board (AHPRA) Web –  ph:  1300419495
Australian Medical Association Web –  ph:  83610100
Royal Australian College of GP Web – ph: 89821009
Health & Community Services Complaints Commissioner Email – ph: 1800232007

It is important that we have your updated address, home & work phone number on your record.
At times we will have a medical student at the rooms. You will be advised if this is the case when you book an appointment and you will have the right to request for the student not to be present during your consultation.
At times information is used to complete clinical audits/trials for further education. Personal information is not used to complete these trials. If you have any concerns regarding this please speak to any staff member. If personal data is required your doctor will discuss this with you and obtain your consent before proceeding.

ANY QUERIES:  Please contact Silvana our practice manager.

Thank you.